Our water purification system is designed to solve a wide variety of water quality issues. We provide compact, affordable, and effective solutions for achieving the best possible drinking water. Is your water safe?
Just because tap water meets the federal government’s minimum standards doesn’t mean it tastes good or looks fresh. While tests to verify compliance are conducted at treatment plants, pollutants may enter your tap water was it courses through miles of pipe. Only high-quality filtration ensures delicious water for both drinking and cooking. End the flow of money you spend on bottled water with our affordable systems.
ERASE FORIEGN CHEMICALSREVERSE OSMOSISOur reverse osmosis drinking water systems significantly reduce unwanted substances bigger than 0.0001″ such as carcinogens, heavy metal ions such as cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury; chlorine, cryptosporidium, salts, turbidity, nitrate, VOC’s, organic compounds, dissolved solids, tastes and ordors. Options include RO35, RO15BP, FMROG, and Trojan UV Max. |
Purify without ChemicalsIRON REMOVALMake your property chemical-free with our cost-conscious systems. Alleviate excessive staining and that unpleasant “rotten egg” smell from your water supply with an iron removal system for your residential, commercial, or industrial property. We offer the ideal cleansing systems for your water supply with CareClear, MicroClear, and Ion Pro. |
UV DISINFECTIONION PROUltraviolet (UV) technology is more effective than chemicals such as chlorine in destroying certain waterborne contaminants. UV disinfection both effective and environmentally responsible. It does not alter water chemistry and uses energy comparable to a 40-watt bulb. Authorized dealer of UVMAX by VIQUA with a feature set unlike anything else. |
Discover the benefits of reverse osmosis, iron removal, or UV treatment. Call 517‑423‑3515 for a FREE basic water analysis.
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